Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Science Experiment

The Strybosch's gave Angela a herb garden to take with her. This has become a science experiment as we move about. The plants pack quite securely in the back of the camper. In the warm weather we can notice a change in the morning and afternoon. 

The seeds are planted at Longreach and cable tied in place. 

Starting to sprout at Eliot Falls

Two days later, at the tip of Cape York. 

03-08-2013 Disaster! Maybe it was 350km of corrugated dirt road, but the dirt turned to pebbles and rolled up some of the smallest seedlings. The basil (we think that's what it is) is still going strong. 

08-08-2013 the remaining seeds are still growing and liking the sun in Cairns. 

13-08-2013 disaster averted. We have worked out what the seeds are now (writing on each pot might have helped). From top down oregano, coriander and basil. The oregano has recovered well from the rough roads but still slow growing. The coriander is getting some mature leaves but the basil is out of control! Will be plenty of basil for pesto in no time. 
The next challenge is quarantine going into NT. How strict will they be?

03/09/2013 Darwin
The basil is great, we have used it in salads and on pizza. The coriander is still growing and there are some useful leaves, almost. The oregano has failed us! We have resown with leftover seeds in hope that we will produce more than a desert. 


  1. I'm really enjoying following your adventures! We used to live in Weipa on the gulf side of Cape York. The Brahman cow brings back many memories!

  2. Just be careful, the things Bath gave you might be a plant.

  3. Just be careful, the things Beth gave you might be a plant. The above will teach James to leave himself logged in on MY computer
